Suspecting your child may be reacting to something that's normally harmless like food, pollen, dust or animal fur can be nerve-racking. It can be more tricky if the child is a baby; making the situation stressful for the parent especially when you want to give your child the best care.
Having gone through the process with her daughter, Dr Uche Okorji-Obike shares a framework to help you get the care and support your child deserves in her talk 'How to speak to your GP about your child's allergies
Want to learn more about the C.L.E.A.R framework?
You can get access now to the accompanying workbook and presentation slide by filling the form below.
Who IS Dr Uche Okorji-Obike
Uche Okorji-Obike is a scientist, wife and mother.
She was inspired to create Tots2TeensAllergies through her experience of raising a daughter who developed allergies to cow’s milk and egg as a baby. This coupled with her expertise in inflammation, which was the focus of her PhD in Pharmacology, triggered her interest in understanding allergies as inflammation is one of the consequences of allergic reactions. She provides coaching, teaching/ public speaking, online courses and workshops to support families.
Uche obtained a BSc in Pharmacology from the University of Aberdeen, MSc in Drug Discovery from the University of Bradford and is a member of BSACI - the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology. She currently works in biopharmaceutical development in the pharmaceutical industry where she supports the development of new treatments by devising methods that are used in quality control in the release of these drugs.
Uche also has a Nutrition and Wellbeing Certificate (2020) from the University of Aberdeen.